Inline Plastics Playbook v2 JUL-21
Sales Stories
Sales Stories
• One thing that is really fun for customers that I do is – I’ll put my business card in a TS6 or TS8 size container upside down so my information can be seen at the bottom and fill the container with jellybeans or a fun snack. This makes the customer have to hold the container, open the container and eat the yummy snack just to get to my card. This also sets me apart from any other sales rep dropping off an empty sample with a card.
Always Bring in packed out product, specially if you are featuring a new item from Inline that the customer has not seen! • Recently, while visiting Pacific Coast Fruit in Portland with Anne Bayne I suggested that we bring to our meeting packed salads that were packed out in our TS32PWXF containers, featured at the Safeway Deli. Although the salad was packed by a much larger national competitor to Pacific Coast Fruit, I knew that they would like the pack due to previous meeting with the same customer, they loved the smooth wall look and wanted to start doing their own salads in the slightly smaller version (TS24PWXF). They jumped on starting the package right away and the usage grew to 172 cases per month. • Same example with Renaissance Food Group, a large national processor that JC and I presented product to back in January, only in this case we packed out some of their product from a competitor's container. They liked the look, although RFG is a larger processor and moves much slower than Pacific Coast Fruit, we have an opportunity to quote on one of the high-volume items that we presented and potentially an opportunity on 3 other packages. Take referrals seriously and network with other suppliers in your industry! • Last year I received a referral from a friend that sells boxes to the processor industry. He suggested I start calling on a company called GFE (Brand Name Family Fresh Farms) Sustainable. This company is starting a processing plant from the ground up in Southern Utah to process fresh cut lettuce. As my friend recommended, I called the VP of Processing at GFE and we hit it off, at our first meeting… To make a long story short, we have an NDA agreement in place, they have chosen their first package for their fresh cut salad our TS64L and we also have the potential commitment to do 29,000 cases or 4.4 million units per year when the plant opens in late July.
Sales Stories
• Don’t be afraid to talk with people in the parking lots/lobbies of the business you are calling on (or have a meeting with) to get additional insight/ information into the company/appropriate contacts.
Sales Stories
• “Mr. Customer, I understand that in todays market you have quite a bit of options out there for tamper evident packaging solutions. I’d like to make you aware that at Inline Plastics we are indeed the pioneers and innovators of Safe-T-Fresh tamper evident PET packaging here in the US. We launched it over 15 years ago. In light of this, Inline Plastics Safe-T-Fresh products are still by far the number one consumer/end user recognized tamper evident products in the marketplace. Many manufacturers have followed us, trying to replicate or improve our product offering. If you canvas grocery & convenience stores across the country, you will not find another product to have nearly the presence we have. There’s a reason for this.”
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